proverbs 1:4-5
recently ive been very lacking in my devos. its gotten to the point where i lose my bible and cant find it cause i dont remember where i used it last. anyway, i figure that instead of jack handy quotes with every post, ill start some God quotes. it'll help me to remember to read the bible everytime i get on blogger to kill time. im just gonna post a verse that i like or just something that stands out to me. we do it in bible class. dont feel like you have to comment about them and have to say "yeah thats a really good verse" to comment on my blog. chances are, the verses wont have the same meaning to you as they do me, so if its some random verse that you dont see importance in, dont worry. this is for me, not really my audience.
this is the purpose of proverbs-
1:4. for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young
1:5. let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance
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